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Volume 55, Number 2, 2003
Page Title
3 Monte Carlo method applications to shielding calculations
Cristina Alice Margeanu, Tatiana Angelescu
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9 The wave packet formalism of neutrino oscillations and the maximal mixing scenario
A. Perianu, I. Lazanu
Full text:  Acrobat PDF (64 KB)
15 Matter-antimatter asymmetry of the early Universe and some elementary considerations about the space-time properties
I. Lazanu, S. Malace
Full text:  Acrobat PDF (72 KB)
22 Current problems in semiconductor detectors for HEP after particle irradiation
Ionel Lazanu
Full text:  Acrobat PDF (430 KB)
45 Investigation of the n-n correlation function of the hale neutrons pre-emitted in the fusion of 11Li with Si target
M. Petrascu, I. Tanihata, T. Kobayashi, K. Morimoto, K. Katori, A. Ozawa, T. Suda, K. Yoshida, C. Bordeanu
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51 The smoothing and the digital processing of Langmuir probe characteristic
H. Andrei, V. Covlea, V.V. Covlea, E. Barna
Full text:  Acrobat PDF (66 KB)
57 Optical properties of the T-centers under gamma irradiation
S. Polosan, E. Apostol, C. Dragusin, V. Topa
Full text:  Acrobat PDF (112 KB)
63 Simulation of Radon short lived decay daughters' inhalation using the lung compartment model
Vlad C. Tomulescu
Full text:  Acrobat PDF (730 KB)
76 Sensitivity of the precipitation scravening coefficient of nitric acid vapour to raindrop size distribution
Sabina Stefan, Mihaela Mircea
Full text:  Acrobat PDF (91 KB)
82 Accumulation of specific polluants in various media in the area affected by petrochemical center
C.D. Oprea, Al. Mihul
Full text:  Acrobat PDF (255 KB)
91 R-Mode factor analysis applied to the exploration of air pollution in the south of Romania
C.D. Oprea, Al. Mihul
Full text:  Acrobat PDF (511 KB)
111 The measurement of pollution in the area of Turnu Magurele affected by fertilizers plant
C.D. Oprea, E. Pincovschi
Full text:  Acrobat PDF (57 KB)
116 The cosmic microwave background data and their implications for cosmology
V. Tudose, O. Tascau
Full text:  Acrobat PDF (372 KB)
Copyright © 2003 Academia Romana   © Dragos Crintea & Florin Gherendi, INFLPR