001 |
In memoriam Professor Herbert Walther
Prof.Dr. I.V.Vlad
005 |
Elastic scattering in short-range potentials
M. Apostol
019 |
Mössbauer investigation of static-disorder crystalline media
S. Constantinescu
045 |
Ultraintense tabletop laser engineering
S. Martellucci, M. Francucci, P. Ciuffa
087 |
Laser diode mode hopping noise
T. Acsente
093 |
Radiolytic oxidation of the immunogenic bovine
M. A. Acasandrei et al.
101 |
Electronic circuit for solar battery charging
A. A. Azooz, J. M. Sulayman
113 |
Micro-scale abrasive wear testing
S. Lakel, K. Almi, Y. Berriche
121 |
Seismic hazard generated by Vrancea earthquakes
D. Enescu, B. D. Enescu
147 |
Vrancea seismic source calibration
E. Popescu et al.
165 |
Local seismic effects in Transylvania sites
V. Răileanu, A. Bălă, B. Grecu
This is an electronic version of Volume 59, Number 1, 2007!